

Installation requirements are automatically handled during the setup.

Determining if the DOLFINx installation is a development version or a release

Run the following command

python3 -c 'import importlib.metadata; print(importlib.metadata.version("fenics-dolfinx"))'

If the resulting text output contains dev, then the DOLFINx installation is a development version, otherwise it is a release.

Installation against DOLFINx development version

Clone the multiphenicsx public repository

git clone

and install the package by typing

cd multiphenicsx
python3 -m pip install --check-build-dependencies --no-build-isolation '.[tutorials]'

Installation against DOLFINx releases

The main branch multiphenicsx targets the main branch of dolfinx, which may contain API changes compared to the latest dolfinx release. A new multiphenicsx version is not necessarily tagged alongside dolfinx releases. Users willing to work with a fixed release of dolfinx are encouraged to install multiphenicsx as follows.

Clone the multiphenicsx public repository

git clone

and install the package by typing

cd multiphenicsx
DOLFINX_VERSION=$(python3 -c 'import dolfinx; print(dolfinx.__version__)')
git checkout dolfinx-v${DOLFINX_VERSION}
if [ -f setup.cfg ]; then
    python3 -m pip install '.[tutorials]'
    python3 -m pip install --check-build-dependencies --no-build-isolation '.[tutorials]'

Report missing releases to our issue tracker. Note that new features added to the multiphenicsx main branch are not backported.